
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

If it quacks like a duck...

As some of you might know, a few weeks ago one of our chicky girls, Kiwi, was attacked by one of the neighborhood dogs. She has made a full recovery, but since she was out and away from the other girls for so long they are being kinda rough on her and she is getting bumped down on the pecking order. So, the other day I grabbed her out of the chicken coop and took her over to the duck pen just so she could get outside and away from the rest of the girls for a bit.  Well, that created a monster. Every morning now when I let the girls out, Kiwi is the last one out and promptly jumps the fence, follows me back over toward the house, and hops into the duck pen. Kiwi now thinks she is one of the ducks, but Nibs is not so sure about that.

Duck is standing on the edge of the pool, Houdini and Victoria are to the left,
Kiwi's bum on the right, and Nibs is in the doorway of the little house.

Friday, May 3, 2013

First Hive Inspection

Yahoo! After several days of fighting with my video rendering programs, the first hive inspection video is finally ready! We were delighted to find that the bees have quite a bit of comb built and have settled in quite nicely. We will be opening the hive again soon to check their feeder and make sure they are continuing to make progress. I promise the next video will be posted much sooner as I finally worked out the rendering program kinks. :-)
Without further ado, I give you, the bees:

Bee happy! 