
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Nibble Duck's Nest Day 21

So, we are now on intense watch on Nibble's Nest as we've reached day 21 on her incubation and we only have between 4 and 7 days before we start to have little ducklings hatching. She lost another egg and is down to 9 now, but we candled all of them tonight and they all show nice big air-sacs and lots of activity from the little ducklings. We used a much stronger light this time since the ducklings are taking up most of the eggs now and it is hard to see with your average flashlight. Check out the 2 new videos of some of the egglets in action! :) Also, keep an eye on our Facebook page since we'll be posting a live duck-house hatch cam within the next day or two as well!


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