
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How-Tuesday: Episode, the First!

Happy January, everyone! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and have all had a healthy and happy start to the new year. Today's blog post marks the beginning of a new weekly blog series we will be posting, How-Tuesdays. (Read it out loud... yep... how-to's on Tuesdays!) A number of people have commented to us about how much they like the fact that Nate and I have a multitude of hobbies and passtimes. Well, we got to thinking and decided that a dedicated weekly how-to blog would be a good idea. So, here we are! The very first blog of the How-Tuesday series! :)

Since this is the first How-Tuesday, we obviously don't really know what kinds of how-to projects that you all would need, want, or enjoy the most, so we'll start with something basic that everyone can try. Please!! (Seriously... please!!!!) By all means leave us comments so we know what you would like to see from us. We would love to know if you try our How-Tuesday projects and how your projects turn out. Also, don't be afraid to suggest How-Tuesday topics or projects if you have something specific that you'd like us to share. (Sorry, Dagorhir friends... the Guinness Roast recipe is still off limits.)

Without further ado, here is the first How-Tuesday!

How-Tuesday #1: Homemade Brownies

Ok, so this is deceptively simple stuff here. You do NOT have to be Betty Crocker to whip up amazing brownies with no preservatives, no box, and with stuff you probably already have in your cupboard. For serious. Trust me!

Ok, so here's what you need:

  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1/3 cup cocoa powder
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 1/3 cup milk chocolate chips (optional) (my favorite are the Ghirardelli brand)
Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl and stir (or use a hand mixer) to blend until smooth.
Pour into a 8" square baking dish and bake at 350° Fahrenheit for 20-25 minutes. Allow to cool, cut and enjoy!

Now... I bet you thought I was done there. Well, I'm not.
Not even slightly.

Why? You ask? Because this handy dandy little recipe doesn't only help you satisfy a sweet tooth without a trip to the store for a box of mix, it also doubles as a lovely homemade gift.  The mix itself only works out to a cost per batch of about $0.50 (being generous and assuming you all are using organic products). If you layer the dry items in a mason jar and make a cute little label with directions for the wet ingredients, these make lovely gifts good for any occasion. One batch with chocolate chips fills a pint size jar perfectly so that the mix will lay in nice neat layers. The mix keeps for at least 6 months when stored in a cool, dry place - maybe longer in a jar. Check out the ones we made for friends and family this holiday season!

Enjoy! Please let us know how your brownies turn out and feel free to make suggestions on other things to add to these basic, yummy brownies. A tip from me... if you can get duck eggs, make these with duck eggs. Trust me. If you are a fan of chewy, gooey brownies, you won't be sorry.

Until next time!


Unknown said...

Thank you! These brownies are delicious!!! It was super easy to mix up and bake! I love the label on the jar, too! I'd like to have a dozen jars in my pantry so that whenever the brownie craving strikes I am prepared. I look forward to reading more blog postings!!!

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